Oral Presentations

Each student must give an oral report (5-7 minutes) on one of the topics selected by Dr. Medina.

Grading criteria and break down:
1. A handout 25%
a. Design a handout organized as follows:
b. Provide enough information on your subject and author (You can add pictures, graphics, maps, charts as needed or desired)
c. Include a short bibliography of sources that can help somebody wishing to further research the topic.
d. List questions that you'll ask your audience right after your presentation.
e. Please, make enough copies of your work to distribute to your classmates.

2. The presentation's content 25%
1. Please, make sure you research your topic carefully so you can present an interesting, educational, and well-organized presentation.

3. Delivery 25%


1. It is impossible to get an "A" if you merely read out a text that you have previously prepared. Instead, work from an outline or notes and concentrate in keeping your audience interested in your exposition. Important: Do not read your presentation off a powerpoint presentation either.

4. Visual aids 25%
1. Using visual and audio aids will probably help you deliver your message more effectively (some of your classmates might not be able to understand your every word in Spanish). Please, feel free to use overhead transparencies, slides, power point presentations, pictures, maps, background music, or whatever visual or audio aid that might help you deliver a more enticing presentation.

. List of Topics:

Short Stories:
Any of the short stories included in literatura.us: http://www.literatura.us/. You cannot use a story that we have read in class.

Two-three poems in Spanish. You cannot use a poem that we have read in class.
I suggest the following poets: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Rosario Castellanos, Pablo Neruda, Miguel Hernández, Gonzalo Rojas, Octavio Paz, Jorge Enrique Adoum, Juana de Ibarbouru, Agustina Storni, Jorge Luis Borges, Góngora.

Any Latin-American or Spanish film. You cannot use a film that we have read in class.